If I ever find myself at a jukebox this is the first song I look for. It is irrepressibly upbeat and fun. Exactly my idea of a party anthem.
The uber-kitsch video here, if anything, adds to the effect….
If I ever find myself at a jukebox this is the first song I look for. It is irrepressibly upbeat and fun. Exactly my idea of a party anthem.
The uber-kitsch video here, if anything, adds to the effect….
Just a quick post on Strava, an app I have found myself using more and more often recently.
In 2015 I ran the San Francisco marathon which was the first time I had tried a race of the 26 miles variety. I had been carried along on a wave of active classmates and clement weather (as an Irishman this is still a rare treat even after 18 months in the Bay Area) to be bitten by the runners bug.
I somewhat foolhardily signed up to run the marathon and as I researched training schedules I was feeling rather daunted! Thankfully one of my running buddies recommended Strava as a way to keep track and stay disciplined. Initially I was a little skeptical but the more I used the App the more I wanted to use it.
It’s “Activity Feed” which allows me to see what my training partners were doing (helpful for #Motivation):
Strava Activity Feed #Motivation
The simple mechanism to record, save and upload my runs allowed them to see what I was doing was a great way to keep on track and share my progress (Yes – I eventually finished the Marathon!):
SF Marathon Strava Style
Feeling nervous on the starting line:
Running Across the Golden Gate Bridge:
Feeling a lot of relief at the finish line:
For me this song IS the 80’s. The intro is spectacular.
Also, Paul Weller is something of a hero of mine. The man is relentless in making good music, all the while displaying impeccable style.