Daily Archives: April 20, 2011

20th April

De La Soul – Eye Know

De La Soul, and 3 feet high and rising in particular changed the way I thought about music. It blew my mind. Creative, playful and funky – 16 year-old Rob had never heard anything like it. And I haven’t looked back since.

Posting Steely Dan a few days ago made me feel guilty that I hadn’t posted something by these guys already. The eagle-eared amoungst you will will spot the sample of Peg in this track.

Stevie Wonder – Signed, sealed, delivered (I’m yours)

It was a glorious day today in London, the weather felt like summer had arrived. I also had a fun evening catching up with an old friend over a couple of beers.

I thought I would post something suitably upbeat to match my mood and this came to mind.
